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Matching ads in neighbourhood #8gsqj of West Midlands

Ironbridge View Townhouse

2 Severn Bank, Ironbridge

Ironbridge View Townhouse is a holiday home located in Ironbridge with views of the Iron Bridge and River Severn. The property features a lounge area with a seating area and...

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Telford and Wrekin #p64g Shropshire #zkjfm West Midlands #8gsqj England #4k6g4h United Kingdom #2mcph9

This accommodation offer is provided in partnership with Booking.com.

The Library House B&B

The Library House B&B 11 Severn Bank, Ironbridge

The Library House B&B is a Georgian townhouse dating back to 1735 and offers accommodation in the heart of Ironbridge. Located 250 metres from the historic Iron Bridge, complementary parking...

Hotel details & booking »

Telford and Wrekin #p64g Shropshire #zkjfm West Midlands #8gsqj England #4k6g4h United Kingdom #2mcph9

This accommodation offer is provided in partnership with Booking.com.

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West Midlands


West Midlands